You have been asked to work from home. what are your first thoughts? You are excited? Are you comfortable? Or you are afraid of how you will deal with the change in the environment? There are hundreds of questions that swarm our minds when we are asked to work remotely.
Nobody said that things were going to be easy. Most of us assume that working remotely means slacking for hours or getting more comfortable in the PJ, but thought it would be all sunshine and roses?
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but there is a lot you need to consider when working remotely. The weight on his shoulders will double, you will be asked to handle much more than you can chew.
And what brings absolutely things ten times … the lack of security!
Yes, it’s correct. If you are not careful how you handle your situation telecommuting, things can easily go out of control, especially in increasing cyber-attacks.
Yes, working from home has its advantages, trust me it does, but why not create a safer environment for you too? You have been entrusted with large amounts of work files, personal credentials of several international clients, or even asked to manage the company web site. What about all this, when the device is used is not insured?
Are you going to pay for losses when the above is made?
No. But you can put a stop and reduce your chances of being victims of future cyberattacks. However, let us first talk about what kind of attacks we are facing, if not protected.
What risks do face cybersecurity teleworkers?
The world of Internet is changing day by day. Hackers are coming up with new and better ways to steal information, disrupt the system and earn huge profits.
Regardless of whether you are working in the office, he was sent to work remotely, a freelancer since the beginning of time; Never mind. Cyber ?? attacks are inevitable and may occur at any time.
However, the risks are higher and the situation worsens for remote workers, especially now, as the Covid-19 pandemic is still in hand. Hackers create attacks around the pandemic situation, making the most of it.
Working from home is very different compared to office work. Yes, the work is the same, but there is no assurance IT or computer waiting room to the side to help. You are on your own in that area.
This is what some cyberattacks that resemble remote workers face on a daily basis – what to consider:
Identity fraud
Phishing is one of the main forms of device someone infiltrates and disrupts their careers to the core. You may have noticed that at some point in time, you’ve probably received the least one or two emails from sources “known”, he asks you to send your email ID and password, etc.
The email may even be sculpted in such a way so that it is considered that the device or files that have already been committed, and if he does not hand in a ridiculous amount of money, the hacker will retaliate.
It phishing not only materialized in the form of emails, but can be delivered by text messages, emails, or even a phone call. The degree of scams has advanced much more lately. And even though you think it’ll be careful, just an email you need carefully and beautifully crafted to hit the inbox. You may just fall into the trap.
You could lose extreme loads of important data, money, or have their devices and compromised accounts.
Fake security applications
Safety in the workplace will not take their homes. No safety equipment waiting at the other end of the line, you ask for immediate help.